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Create a Life that Inspires and Excites You! ~ "10 Stacks to Success: How to Achieve One Goal at a Time "

Dump All Your Old Garbage and Create a Life that Inspires and Excites You!

Break away from your demons and harness your true power and potential
If you’ve ever found yourself feeling sick and tired of being sick and tired, get ready for a great book that will give you a jolt and get you moving in the right direction.

Injected with a healthy dose of humor!

In 10 Stacks to Success: How to Achieve One Goal at a Time, Jay Isip grabs you by the collar, wakes you up—and gives you a proven set of tools that will energize your life and put you on track for living your true purpose.

His delivery is blunt and sometimes even harsh. But it might be just what you need!
Injected with a healthy dose of humor and New Jersey attitude, Jay comes straight at you with an inspired approach that has pumped up and changed countless lives for the better—including his own.

Cut the crap out and live up to your true potential

Jay Isip is a dynamic entrepreneur who has launched multiple successful businesses that include finance and e-stock trading, while also establishing himself as a mixed martial arts professional.

However, his road to abundance and success has been anything but a smooth easy ride.
In fact, if you’ve ever found yourself in a cold dark rut that comes from excessive indulgence, suicidal thoughts and hanging with some shady and questionable characters…Jay has walked…or to be more direct…Jay has stumbled and staggered in your shoes.

Amazon's NEW #1 BOOK ~ 10 Stacks to Success: How to Achieve One Goal at a Time 

Grady Harp,
Top 50 Amazon Hall of Fame Reviewer

“…Toward the end of the book, scattered among the illustrations we find some very choice `Jayisms'… He challenges us in a very positive but stern manner, inserts enough bawdy humor to keeps us turning the pages, and in the end makes us realize that Jay Isip really cares that we become what our potential suggests. Highly Recommended.”

Grady Harp,
Top 50 Amazon Hall of Fame Reviewer
“…Toward the end of the book, scattered among the illustrations we find some very choice `Jayisms'… He challenges us in a very positive but stern manner, inserts enough bawdy humor to keeps us turning the pages, and in the end makes us realize that Jay Isip really cares that we become what our potential suggests. Highly Recommended.”
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About Jay Isip
A native of Belleville, NJ, and Filipino by birth, Jay Isip was a professional Mixed Martial Arts fighter for 12 years, teaches a barbering class and operates a men’s salon, owns a fitness facility, investment relations firm, and is an app developer. The last goal he achieved as a measure of success was to write a book, 10 Stacks To Success, which was released in November 2014. For more information and to view the book trailer visit the author’s website:

Jerome "Jay" Isip

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